Get your personnel hacked.
Simulate social attacks on
company personnel.
Social Engineering
The human factor is always the weakest link when it comes to protecting your data.
Where does staff fit into security?
A bank clerk clicking on an innocent looking link, an overjoyed electricity company employee claiming his $10K winnings with a fake website, a polite government employee holding the door for a nice lady carrying a pile of paperwork that he’s never seen. Social engineering experts can help point out the strengths and weaknesses of staff and how they will respond to these types of attacks. Services include phishing emails, vishing calls, in person pretexting, and more.
Once there is a clear picture of the weaknesses of a team, staff can be trained to respond and react according to protocol instead of with their human nature which is often too trusting and vulnerable.
Our insight.
Frequently asked, always answered.
No, the majority of the quote for a social engineering campaign goes into the story and message delivered to personnel. The size of the selected group has little impact on the cost.
Our tests are most effective if as few people know about them as possible. This way you can get the most accurate and realistic responses from your personnel.
A report includes the list of vulnerabilities discovered with severity rating. Additionally, there is a managerial summary which outlines how these vulnerabilities correspond to a business risk, and a technical write up, so developers can reproduce and correct the issues.
Yes, we offer in-person, social pretexting designed specifically for your company and personnel. We will plan a realistic scenario, or pretext, to target and test the weak points in your personnel security and how they would react in these targeted events.