Experience cybernetic warfare.
Be prepared when hackers knock on your door.
Red Team Exercises
Give security response teams real experience in cyber-warfare.
Focus on your security threat detection and security incident response capabilities.
While pen-testing only focuses on prevention of security risks, RedTeaming focuses on people more than it focuses on technology where the main goal is to educate and train security personnel. Attacks will be lead against mobile, web, and thick client applications run in Internal, external, and cloud infrastructures.
Whether you work in finance, technology, utilities or TELCO, your technology, data, systems, employees, and general security are constantly under attack. Company employees will undergo both blanket and targeted social engineering attacks in many shapes and forms.
Our insight.
Do you know the risks that you may be exposed to by an implemented Groovy script?
Did you know that some security guards are watching and yet can't see a thing? We use appropriate camouflage and props to execute our scenarios.
Poorly paid IT security staff can be an easy target to corrupt.
Did you know that industrial espionage is making a comeback?
Publicly uploaded content, including unintentionally uploaded sensitive data, is archived chronologically on sites like "The Wayback Machine."
The USB flash drive you received from a young lady at a car repair shop that looks like a harmless gift from a car company, could be prepared especially for you with an unpleasant surprise inside...
A well-secured system today, may not be tomorrow. Unfortunately, new vulnerabilities are discovered daily.
There is at least one insecure computer in every secured network. Make sure that you are the first to find it.
Hackers really do love their work, regardless if they are a black or white hat!
One of the first points of interest for an attacker will be backups. Treat them as valuable as live data and make sure they have at least the same level of security.
If the attacker gains physical access to a secured device they will probably succeed in extracting valuable data from it.
Do you rigorously check any service/vendor personnel on-site? Dressing up as a technician usually provides a lot of access and raises very few questions
Frequently asked, always answered.
A blue team is the defending group in charge of noticing, responding, cutting off progress, and securing against the actions of the red team. This team is made up of your company security personnel.
The purple team is responsible for acting as a go between the red and blue teams. They help keep track of what progress each team has made and work to make the operation smooth and successful.
The time it takes to complete the exercise depends on the scenarios that are chosen and if scenarios are replayed for further learning. We will work with the organization to set goals for the exercise and what learning objectives are desired for the security personnel.
A red team is the adversarial team which will be finding vulnerabilities, attempting to exploit them in order to escalate privileges in the network.