Get your device hacked.
Push security to the edge.
Devices and IoT
Smart devices require smart security.
Device security through reverse engineering and hardware hacking.
Cover the software (firmware, drivers, consumer mobile and web applications), hardware (standardised and custom-build IO interfaces, single-chip and composite systems) and communications (GMS, 3G, LTE, WiFi, Bluetooth). Provide a broader insight into the entire business model and logical and process flaws within the entire product lifecycle due to our pen-testing and RedTeaming experience.
Even the tech giants suffered sneers and sometimes even legal repercussions as they rolled out their mass-market smart devices. Keep up with the industry demand for security while making consumers feel secure with their smart devices.
Our insight.
Services for devices and IoT.
Frequently asked, always answered.
A report includes the list of vulnerabilities discovered with severity rating. Additionally, there is a managerial summary which outlines how these vulnerabilities correspond to a business risk, and a technical write up, so developers can reproduce and correct the issues.
When a product is tested by an independent third party, it provides a sense of openness about the security of a product that is not easily gained otherwise. Additionally, it provides a new look into the platform that could uncover security issues that are often missed with familiarity with the system.
The simplest way to estimate a project and build a quote is by having someone from our team take a quick look at the environment to determine the size of scope. We found that this provides the most accurate result for the quoting process and allows for the project to include the desired scope without being over priced.
Yes, insighti is able to, with permission, review and evaluate the security of 3rd party solutions. This allows our clients to make an informed decision about which solution to use based on the pros and cons of each.